Sul corriere di oggi la prima pagina degli spettacoli è dedicata a David Lynch: "Hollywood non mi piace, molto meglio meditare". Nell'articolo si racconta che il regista pratica la meditazione trascendentale.
Se il risultato delle sue meditazioni sono capolavori come Mulholland Drive allora il regista ci offre un motivo in più per praticare.
Mulholland Drive is a puzzle-box of a movie, one that presents hallucination and reality as equal and indistinguishable partners. Set in an overly-ripe Los Angeles, saturated with erotic colors and dark with oblique menace, the film glides through a dreamy landscape where the hyper-real is in constant collision with the fantastic.
Submerged beneath the emotional reality of the characters, we perceive some sort of coherent sense; but reason alone is not enough to understand exactly what's going on. The film is a dream, an illusion, but not in the usual, cheap sense of the term -- it's a Möbius strip, an Escher painting, a page from Finnegans Wake; it defies waking logic, and yet appears remarkably complete and seamless.
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